Mums Kitchen
Gediflora wants to boost the image of the chrysanthemum, by showing all sorts of possible application on trade fairs and magazines, including the chrysanthemum beer. Undeniably unexpected, but the beer puts a smile on people's faces. Gediflora hopes that this positive association will improve the image of the chrysanthemum.
Gediflora is working on a range of edible and drinkable products, in which the taste of the chrysanthemum stands out. Special plants are cultivated with the utmost care and respecting hygiene protocols. The petals of the blooming flowers are harvested and dried. A unique and delicate extract is refined from the dried mix of petals, which ensures the unique taste in Mums kitchen.
Gediflora is proud to present the result of the product development: Mum Beer. It is a blond-coloured, craft beer with a complex, even persistent flavour. Gediflora wants to expand the range: chocolate, sausages, liqueur,... everything is possible!